20170506 Redwood Adventist Academy Potluck invitation

by admin1 posted May 03, 2017


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κ°€ 크게 μž‘κ²Œ μœ„λ‘œ μ•„λž˜λ‘œ λŒ“κΈ€λ‘œ κ°€κΈ° 인쇄

λ ˆλ“œμš°λ“œ μ•„μΉ΄λ°λ―Έμ—μ„œ μ™•μ„±ν•˜κ²Œ ν™œλ™μ€‘μΈ κ°€λ“  μ˜¨μ‹€μ—μ„œ νŒŒν‹€λ½μœΌλ‘œ μ΄ˆμ²­ν•˜μ˜€μŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€.

μŒμ‹μ„ κ°€μ Έμ˜€λ“  μ•ˆ κ°€μ Έμ˜€λ“  μΆ©λΆ„νžˆ 먹을 수 μžˆμ„ μŒμ‹μ„ μž₯λ§Œν•œλ‹€κ³  ν•©λ‹ˆλ‹€.

μΌμ‹œ: 2017.05.06 μ•ˆμ‹μΌ μ˜€ν›„ 1μ‹œμ—μ„œ 1μ‹œ30λΆ„ (점심)

λ””μ €νŠΈλŠ” μ˜€ν›„ 2μ‹œλΆ€ν„°.

μ£Όμ†Œ: 385 Mark West Springs Road, SR

μ—°λ½μ²˜: Laurie Wood @ 707.529.4880



Hello all - 
Just wanted to ask for your help in reminding your churches that Redwood is inviting them all to come this weekend and have a potluck lunch together in our beautifully-decorated, garden greenhouse. It is an opportunity for the churches to just get together and visit, which is something we don't do very often. We will have beautiful piano music to enjoy while eating - and we encourage everyone to come whether you bring food or not, as we will make sure there is plenty of food to share. We will also provide the plates and silverware, drinks, dessert and a salad of FRESH GREENS and other vegetables from our very own garden!  
Please join us when lunch starts between 1:00 and 1:30 - or for dessert around 2:00.  We really want to do something nice for our church community, and we believe the garden is a great place to meet and eat!  
Questions?  Contact Laurie Wood @ 707-529-4880.  Address:  385 Mark West Springs Road, SR